Common GoodSponsor

Fiscal Sponsorship Application

Common Good provides fiscal sponsorship for compatible, mission-aligned organizations and projects working for social, racial, environmental, and economic justice. This allows you to accept tax-deductible contributions without having to apply to the IRS for nonprofit status. Common Good provides some extra benefits and charges a lower fee than most other fiscal sponsors. Complete this form to apply, or give us a call. Meanwhile, look over our model contract and think about any changes you might need.

If your project already has a Common Good account, sign in to that account before applying.

The company's Employer ID Number (EIN) This cannot be an individual's SSN. You can get an EIN from the IRS free online at this link.
The "personal" and "sole-proprietor" choices are intentionally omitted here. If you are taking this intitiative on your own, choose "unincorporated association or club". You will need a volunteer oversight board of at least two people who meet with you at least once a quarter.
Where did you hear about Common Good? (name of company or person, web address, publication name, radio station name, or whatever)
What do you do to advance your mission?
How much income (in dollars) do you expect in the next 12 months, before expenses?
How many employees does the organization have?
Number of donation checks (not the dollar amount) you expect to receive in a typical month.
Number of payments (not the dollar amount) you expect to make in a typical month.
What sort of oversight and accountability do you have?
What are your social justice policies or practices?