Common GoodHonors

Honored and Remembered

Listed here are the people and principles honored and remembered with a contribution to Common Good.
In Honor Of
a better future
A better society.
A Caring Economy
a healthy community
A Stronger Community
A stronger local COMMUNITY
a vibrant local economy
All right!
All the efforts of the Common Good Team
All the good ideas that just need a bit of cash to get started.
Alternative currency programs everywhere as a powerful tool for liberation
Another world is possible
Augusto Boal
Beauty and Love
Becky Meier
Bernard "Sonny" Knudson
Bob Grant
Bob Swann
Boog Highberger, who started an alternative currency in Lawrence, Kansas.
Bruce Coldham
Burton E. Sorensen
Calvin Thomas Glick Krezmien
Cancer Connection
Chad Monfreda
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
Chris Gabriel
Christian Felber
Chuck Meyer
Common Good's vision
community love and support
creating a value in our community for creativity.
Dan Rosenberg and Addie Rose Holland
Dan Rosenberg, Nancy Hazard
Daniel Ritchie
Donald Trump
Economist Richard D. Wolff who believes in a radical transformation of the ailing capitalist economy.
Emi Link for creating the Link Family Mission Statement and Weekly Meetings.
Emily Monosson
Everyone who takes part, especially the tireless board and William, whose patience and vision have made this system a reality.
Felice Yeskel
Florence Fedor
Frances Crowe
Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution
Fred Donaldson
future generations
Future is Now Festival
Giving Tuesday
giving what you can!
global drawdown
Greening Greenfield!
Harold Gould
Helen Perham
Honesty and generosity
Honoring my grandchildren who I hope to leave a fair and beautiful society where everyone counts, everyone eats healthy food and has clean water to drink, everyone has a safe place to call home and everyone is able to contribute their gifts.
hope for the earth
hope that humanity will one day be free of corruption
I'll donate more and more regularly when I'm no longer broke
Ignition Music's spot in the downtown Goshen ecosystem.
Imrana Soofi, a tireless fighter for social justice for marginalized communities.
In honor of all those who have attempted to get a community currency going in Goshen, IN whose aspirations are now being realized.
In honor those who work for a better world and society for all.
in support of mission
in the spirit of democratic economics
Jai Ma!
Jane Anne Morris
Jason Healy and Len Fisher, two Co-op Power members who contributed so generously to our work
Jay Lord, Founding Director
Jeremy Barker Plotkin, Dave Tepfer, and Simple Gifts Farm
Jessica Van Steensburg
Jessie Scott
Joe Hill
John G. Root
John Michelson
John Root jr
John Root Jr.
John Root, and this endeavor of structuring and just and common good ecomomy.
Josip Bros
Juanita and Wally Nelson
Juanita Nelson
Julia Atlas
Just Roots
Karen Sheaffer
Laura Jacques
Lawrence Thomas
LGBTQ safety
Life on Earth
Local sustainable economies
lyme disease sufferers and simple living
Lynn Margulis
Marcia Rubenstein
Maritet Nassif
Mark Wesley
Mary and Dana Snyder
Mary Link
Maya Clarren
mimi and fuzzy love celebrate
Mother Earth.
my children
My children, Abby & Ben. May they grow in love and compassion as they come of age and inherit the joy and challenges of this life in this place.
My children: Avi and Mattea Kramer
my dad
My defunct father
my grandbabies due in June––$10 per twin!
my parents Loren C. Spademan, Jr. and Susan Hubbard Spademan, in memory of my mentors John Thomas MacLean, Julie A. Graham, and Elise M. Boulding, for my daughter Emi Link and all the children of the world, and in compassion for everyone who suffers from poverty and hunger.
My son
my sons
My super smart husband Ben
My wife
My wife, Maja Husei
Native Peoples
Nettie Marie Bontrager
Occupy Wall Street
Our common home, Planet Earth
our past, present, and future selves.
Pat and Lou Hammann
Patrick, Ian and Daniel Cotter
people across the planet and next door who work hard to supply the goods that so many of us use.
people power
Peoples Food Coop Ann Arbor
Phil Metzler for always considering how he can make our world better.
Pope Francis
providing for each other
Rachael Katz
regenerative, sustainable farming
Richard and Shirley Maletz
Riven DiDonato
Rodney King, Marshall Rosenberg, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi
Sam Schaefer
Shang Shung Institute
Sheila Garrett
Shirley and Richard Maletz
Simple Gifts Farm
Sokwakiak People
Stanley Ronald Clarren
starting very small in terms of donations til i better understand the system...glad to be asked for more later
Stone Soup Cafe
Susan brown
sustainable, regenerative farming
Thank you!
The Commons
The Commons!
The Deerfield River
The efforts of Common Good to establish a more just and democratic currency
The Greater GOOD!
The Intentional Living Collective
The Laws of Nature and of Nature's GOD.
The next generation so that they have clean water and clean air, and access to inexpensive, clean energy.
The power of like minded individuals acting for the good of the whole.
the rainbow kids
the Rochdale Pioneers, the founders of ICC Ann Arbor, and to everyone participating in cooperative, democratic ventures everywhere. We're really on to something here.
the sacred
The Symbiocene (aka Generation S)
this being an area of peace for thousands of years, before 1676.
This is for FCCPR.
Those who have loved me.
Tom Waters
Vicky Jenkins
Water and the Forest
William 'Poem' Spademan and his dream of a community for everyone.
William and his amazing work!
William Spademan
William Spademan !
William Spademan's hard work in creating a just and sustainable local economy!
Work is love made visible. - Kahlil Gibran
working women
World Peace
World Workforce International
In Memory Of
Ann H. Browning
Anne L. Fisher
Brenda Freed
Calista Mary Reynolds
Calista Mary Schaefer
Candace Dietz
Carol Everett & Ronald Fraser
Chris Dehart
Claudia D'Occio
Daughter Annette
David P. Bell
David S. Hastings
Donald Langton
Doris and William Rivers
Dvora Cohen
Ed Blatchford
Edward Kilgour, Sr. He was my dad and a man who always helped people in his community without thought of repayment.
Ernest Anthony Topolski
Felice Yeskel
George W Hazzard
Graham Davidson
Ix Chel Jaguar
James Fisher
James P. Kennedy, Jr.
Jane Manring
Jeff Aho
jerry sawma
John DeVoe & Judy DeVoe
John Ruckenbrod
Johnny F
Julie Graham
Karen Lagerstrom
Liz Serrano
Lucretia Mott, Pete Seeger, and Howard Zinn
Lynn E Alden
Mansfield "Bill" Davis
Martin Michelson
Mary Shaffer
Maryann Audette
Matthew Fields
Michael Tatistcheff
my grandmother, who believed in the kindness, generosity, and the good found in each human soul.
My parents, Kathleen A. Davis & Frank M. Goode
Nettie Marie Bontrager, my Mother who was one of the most generous people I know.
Norman & Bryna Graff
Our best Pup, Jake❤️
Our Parents
Paul Robinson Rothery Jr.
Peter Douglas Hale
Peter Reilly
Robert Rice
Russ Burnett
Samuel Stoltzfus
Senator John Lewis
Sidney Smallen
Stephen Pell, my father.
Steven Kanner and Ben Andrews
Susan & Dorothy
Terry Shaneyfelt
Walter Karp
Zachary Lay