adminOk | [-0.3] | A Common Good community administrator says this account is low risk (flag set by administrator). |
trusted | [-4] | Has access to, was invited by, or is proxy to, other account(s) in good standing. This risk factor is multiplied by the number of other accounts that trust this member. Being chosen as an alternate proxy counts as half. Likewise being chosen as someone's proxy's proxy counts as half. |
hasBank | [-3] | Has a connected bank account. |
geography | [4] | Resides in a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. Federal and state law enforcement agencies have identified 28 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTAs), which include 16 percent of all counties in the United States and 60 percent of the U.S. population. For example, Washtenaw County, Michigan has been designated as part of the Michigan HIDTA. Unfortunately, since such a high proportion of the U.S. population lives in these areas, the risk weight here is very low, for practical reasons. |
cashCo | [2] | Is a type of business that has been identified by regulators as high risk (flag set by administrator). |
new | [5] | Recently moved to current address (before opening a Common Good account). This risk factor is divided by the number of years the member (individual or company) has been at its current address. |
moves | [3] | Has changed counties several times in the past decade. This risk factor is multiplied by the number of times the member has moved, over the past decade (if known) |
rents | [10] | Rents (rather than owns) a residence. |
badConx | [2] | Has access to, or was invited by, other suspicious account(s). This risk factor is multiplied by the number of such connections. |
homeCo | [20] | An individual account has the same postal address as this company account. |
shady | [3] | A web search for this individual or company produces sketchy results (flag set by administrator). |
miser | [5] | Contributed an unusually small amount to support administration and promotion of Common Good. |
addrOff | [5] | Address does not match address on photo ID (flag set by administrator) or cannot be verified by geocoding. |
ssnOff | [1] | Something is awry in the account's social security number lookup (flag set by administrator). |
dobOff | [4] | Member's birth date could not be confirmed or is at odds with social security number lookup data. |
poBox | [5] | Postal address is a post box. |
fishy | [2] | Something just seems a little off (flag set by administrator on intuition). |
moreIn | [2] | Recipient has received 20% more than usual over the past seven weeks. |
moreOut | [2] | Payer has spent 20% more than usual over the past seven weeks. |
bigDay | [1] | Has an unusually large transaction volume per employee (in the top 5% of all participants) over the past day. For individual accounts, the number of "employees" is 1. |
bigWeek | [1] | Has an unusually large transaction volume per employee (in the top 5% of all participants) over the past week. (see bigDay) |
big7Week | [1] | Has an unusually large transaction volume per employee (in the top 5% of all participants) over the past 52 days (about 7 weeks). (see bigDay) |
bigYear | [2] | Has an unusually large transaction volume per employee (in the top 5% of all participants) over the past year. (see bigDay) |